Staying on a regular workout routine is not easy. After all, we face plenty of possible challenges such as lack of motivation, boredom, injuries, etc. However, you can easily overcome these obstacles with consistency and hard work. 

It’s now time to stop making excuses and take some time for your fitness. Not only will it make you more active but healthier so you can accomplish other tasks easily and efficiently. 

Although there may be some very serious issues, most of them are mere hindrances you can overcome. This article focuses on the common challenges and discomfort that come with strength training and some easy ways to overcome them. 

Discomfort that Comes with Strength Training  

If your muscles are screaming due to yesterday’s workout, consider it a good sign. It means you’re having DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness”, meaning you worked hard and got small tears in your muscle tissues. This mainly lasts for 2-3 days after your first workout. 

It generally happens when you increase your workout intensity or whenever you try a new activity. With the passage of time, your muscles will start healing and allow you further training. 

DOMS is at its peak during the first 24 – 72 hours. It will take a few days for the soreness to go away. Meanwhile, you can try the following tricks to alleviate the pain. 

1. Keep Moving 

The soreness doesn’t make you feel like doing anything, and instead, you may want to stay in bed all day. But this won’t help! Light and gentle movements can help your body feel better. You can try simple activities like jogging, swimming, or riding your bike. 

2. Rest and Recover

Taking some rest to let your body recover is also helpful. Take the day off as it will give your body a chance to heal and replenish your energy. It’s better to indulge in some light activity on the second day of your workout, as it is always the toughest day. Then, take a day off the next day.     

3. Apply Heat

If your soreness doesn’t reduce in the 48 hours, try heat (carefully). It will encourage the blood flow to your muscles to reduce tightness and make them feel better.

Use a heating pad or a warm (not hot) towel. However, you need to be careful as heat offers multiple red flags, from burns to muscle inflaming. It’s better to avoid direct contact with the heating devices.    

4. Get a Massage

A gentle massage can benefit sore muscles. Opt for the one that uses light pressure, such as a Swedish massage. As compared to a deep-tissue massage, Swedish massage is better for muscle recovery. You can also look for tender-point acupressure where the therapist applies external pressure to the tender areas. 

Massage helps in:

  • Relieving muscle tension
  • Improving joint mobility
  • Increasing blood flow
  • Lifts mood

5. Take an Anti-inflammatory

These medicines can be bought over-the-counter and can relieve swelling and pain. Try ibuprofen, aspirin, or naproxen. 

Overcoming Challenges that Come With Strength Training

Getting started with a new workout regimen can be daunting, but hopping on the treadmill is no problem since you are doing something you are already aware of.  However, advancing to the weight room is quite different. If you’re new to strength training, you might come across the following challenges.  

1. Lack of Time for Workout

Taking time out of your busy schedule for exercise can be challenging. However, if you can’t give a complete 30 minutes to your workout in one go, try shorter spurts. Three 10 minutes workout sessions will have the same health benefits as a one 30 minutes workout gives. 

Another way to adjust the time for strength training is to get up early. Initially, it only takes two days to wake up early and perform your exercises. Once you get used to it, you can add one or two more days to your workout regimen. 

2. Exercise Feels Boring

It’s okay to feel exhausted due to the repetitive exercises every day, especially for people doing it alone. Instead of buying equipment at home, try joining a gym. There, you will find a new environment with multiple other options to try. It also helps keep people motivated by watching other people getting in shape. 

3. You’re Too Self-Conscious

You might be too self-conscious and think about how you might look when exercising. The best way to overcome this challenge is to try working out alone at first. For this, you will need to invest in buying personal equipment for your home. 

However, people often think it’s useless to invest in workout equipment. You can reschedule your gym hours to when there aren’t many people available at the gym to avoid crowds. Moreover, keep your focus n the future. Think of that flexible, fully shaped body you will get if you neglect to focus on what others might think.    

4. Too Tired to Workout After Work

It’s natural to feel exhausted after a 9 – 5 job. But most importantly, if you skip a workout, you will feel more drained out. Working out will help you feel more active and healthy and less tired even for your everyday tasks. 

You can try  30 minutes morning workout. Most professionals believe that morning workouts are the best workouts. However, anytime you feel energetic is the right time to get in shape. Have comfortable shoes and gym clothes to feel motivated.   

5. Staying Committed is Hard for You

Treat each workout like your doctor’s appointment or important work meeting; schedule three to four at the beginning of the week. Fitness trackers and smartphone apps can provide motivational support and alerts, and they are inexpensive and free.

6. No Awareness of Gym Equipment

The gym membership usually includes an introductory walkthrough with a trainer to show you how to use the equipment. In spite of this, you’re likely to have some questions by the end of the first day. To get help from a trainer, consider purchasing a multi-session package. 

7. Your Joints Hurt After Strength Training

Cycling, elliptical trainers, and swimming are all low-impact, non-weight-bearing exercises that are kind to your knees, ankles, hips, and other joints while making you sweat. These also come under strength training. 

Workouts Make You Healthier! 

Stop making excuses and start getting healthy! Strength training challenges are hurdles that will make you stronger, healthier, and more active. Once you get used to your workout regimen, you will be amazed to see the surprising results you get to see every month. Keep tracking your progress to stay motivated.

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